
Endostar EP Easy Path

A file for perfect glide path

Endostar EP Easy Path

  • File produced in the heat treatment technology - Amber HT Technology
  • Exceptional size and taper
  • High flexibility
  • High resistance to twisting in the root canal
  • Easy to follow the canal path
  • Safe and quick preparation of the glide path

The file produced in the


Files used for creating the glide-path are a technological challenge. They are the first to penetrate narrow, curved, and often calcified canals. They need to be thin and flexible, but also resistant to breaking inside the canal.

Creating a file that would fulfill all these requirements is not easy. For that reason, Amber HT Technology by Poldent was designed to improve the quality of the NiTi alloy and create a safe glide-path file.


Exceptional taper and ISO size

A massive file core which is S-shaped on cross section guarantees safe passage even in strongly calcified canals.
The combination of the newest advances in metallurgy together with the file’s design provide maximum safety.
A specially designed variable decreasing taper facilitates a seamless path down the root canal, thanks to decreased resistance in the coronal part of the canal. At the same time a minimal amount of dentine is removed around the canal orifices.

Exceptional, variable, decreasing taper of the Endostar EP Easy Path

The use of size ISO 14 at the tip is a compromise between arriving at the apex easily and the ability to safely continue shaping the canal with a larger rotary instrument.

Safety provided by core design

Modified Easy Path file cross section,    Standard S file cross section.      Sección transversal
de la lima S estándar.

large instrument core.

A massive file core which is S-shaped on cross section guarantees safe passage even in strongly calcified canals.
The combination of the newest advances in metallurgy together with the file’s design provide maximum safety.

Increased working efficiency

The Endostar EP Easy Path mechanical file is designed to safely and quickly create a glide path for other shaping instruments. It can be used with most endodontic handpieces. The instrumentcan be precurved so that it can reach hard to access canals and bypass ledges. It easily follows even the most extremely curved canals.

We never offered such a flexible and reliable file for creating a glide path.

The Endostar EP Easy Path easily reaches the apex while creating an ideal path for further instrumentation.

X-ray of the Endostar EP file inside the canal.
Provided by Dr Slawomir Gabrys.

Endostar EP Easy Path step-by-step instructions

  1. Isolate the tooth with a rubber dam.
  2. Prepare straight-line access to the root canal.
  3. Use a hand K-file no 10 to establish patency and measure the working length.
  4. Fill the canal with an irrigating solution.
  5. Mount the Endostar EP Easy Path instrument to the handpiece and insert it into the canal.
  6. Move the instrument in an up-and-down motion with very little pressure towards the apical part (the instrument should naturally progress down the canal). Use a pecking motion with an amplitude of 2-3 mm.
  7. After 3 to 4 up-and-down movements, remove the instrument from the canal and clean it with a sponge located in the instrument box.
  8. Irrigate the canal.
  9. Repeat steps 6- 8 until working length is reached.
  10. Continue shaping the canal with your files of choice, for example, the Endostar E3 Azure.


Recommended torque settings
Recommended torque is 1 Ncm (up to 1.5 Ncm for experienced users). The recommended speed is 300 rpm (up to 500 rpm for experienced users). If your handpiece/ endodontic motor offers only pre-set levels of torque setting, choose a level that will not exceed the recommended values.

Endostar EP Easy Path

Endostar EP Easy Path, 14/04, 21 mm, 3 pcs


Endostar EP Easy Path, 140/4, 21 mm, 6 pcs


Endostar EP Easy Path, 14/04, 25 mm, 3 pcs


Endostar EP Easy Path, 14/04, 25 mm, 6 pcs


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